Wim Hof Teaches His Breathing Method to Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson

This is a breathing technique that works really well when someone is experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress, or a deep neurological deficiency....

How To: Wim Hof's Breathing Method

Data shows that, simply by breathing in the right way, a way our bodies know intuitively, we can regulate our own physiological chemistry. Don't do...

November 10th, 2022

3 Months on The Blue Zones Diet

By simply eating right, we can add years to our lives. That's exactly what these people did. By following this well-researched cookbook, a...

November 10th, 2022

3 Secrets to Quickly Stop Anxiety - Vagus Nerve Stimulation

We all know what to do to help a dog who is stressed, anxious, or panicking. What is it? Just give 'em a belly rub, and they call right now....

November 9th, 2022

Meditation for Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and PTSD with Daniel Goleman

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness show up immediately. In this day and age, we are constantly multitasking, which means our attention is divided. Focused attention is an endangered species. It turns out that the brain doesn't do multitasking. All it is really doing is switching quickly...

November 8th, 2022

Dr. Mark Hyman Discusses The Pegan (Paleo-Vegan) Diet

Food isn't just calories, it's medicine, and it's information. It speaks to the body, telling it to be healthy, be sick, be thin, be overweight. For the best natural whole-food medicine, we need to shop at the Farmacy (with an F) because the best food is grown on farms, and it provides us with...

November 7th, 2022

The Mediterranean Diet: An Overview

Researchers noticed that people around the Mediterranean area were having fewer incidents of heart disease, lived longer, and were healthier. So, they began to ask the question: Why? They noticed that this, and other areas of the world called "blue zones," had a common eating practice, or diet,...

November 4th, 2022

The Best Longevity Exercises with Peter Attia

Exercise is the single most important longevity drug we have access to. Data shows that smoking and diabetes will increase your risk of death, depending on the time period looked at, by two or three times. But, research has also shown that having very high cardiovascular fitness, or a vo2 that is...

November 2nd, 2022

How To Do Micro Workouts (And Benefits)

In this video, Mark explores the ins and outs of micro workouts. A micro workout really is what it sounds like; it's the idea of doing several smaller (micro) workouts throughout the day rather than dedicating a full hour or more to a gym visit. One that he suggests is push-ups using a countertop...

October 28th, 2022

What Mark Sisson Eats In A Day

In this video, Mark Sisson covers what he eats on a given day. He starts the day with a cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle, mostly for the ritual of it. Due to Metabolic Flexibility, he doesn't need to eat anything right when he wakes up. He can even go past breakfast and wait until 12:30 or...

October 26th, 2022

Fast For Metabolic Flexibility with Mark Sisson

In this video, Joe Rogan and Mark Sisson discuss the importance of having Metabolic Flexibility, or the ability of the body to be able to switch between using food for fuel or burning fat for fuel. Metabolic flexibility could be considered the holy grail of health. If our bodies are able to...

October 24th, 2022

IBS, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Their Hidden Cause

Irritable bowel symptoms, IBS, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, all these things can be extremely frustrating. It's difficult to pin down what it is exactly that causes each flare-up and issue. So what is the secret? What's really causing this? The problem is Fructose Malabsorption. Meaning,...

October 21st, 2022

Whiteboard Animation: Why Jordan Peterson Eats A Meat-Only Diet

Quit eating greens? Doesn't that fly in the face of everything we've been taught our whole lives? We're always told that greens should be our main source of food and that meats should basically be a side-dish, but maybe there's something to this; maybe it's our current diet high in carbohydrates...

October 19th, 2022

The Benefits of Fasting on The Joe Rogan Experience

Our ancestors needed to be able to go long periods without food, so why do we feel like we need to get 3-5 meals a day in order to survive? In this video, they discuss the benefits of fasting and how it is not only possible but beneficial to go without food for longer periods of time. A 16-hour...

October 17th, 2022

David Sinclair TEDxBoston on the Science of Aging Reversal

According to David Sinclair, aging is a medical condition. He works in the field of aging science and he is very optimistic about the future. So many people view aging and the illnesses and diseases that come with it as normal and unavoidable, but he doesn't see it like that. He sees all these...

October 14th, 2022

Starting Out On The Mediterranean Diet

What is the Mediterranean Diet? And, why would you want to adopt it? Essentially, it is the diet of people living around the Mediterranean Sea! The reason for eating in this way is because it's one of the healthiest diets in the world. The people who eat this way and adopt this lifestyle have...

October 12th, 2022

Sadhguru on Self-Confidence

What's more important than confidence? According to Sadhguru, the answer to that question is "clarity." Even more important than gaining knowledge is gaining clarity: to see things the way they are. If we have clarity instead of an overabundance of knowledge and self-confidence, we will walk...

October 10th, 2022

Sadhguru On Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is a prevalent problem in our society. But, why? And, what can we do about it? There are a lot of ideas out there, people trying their best to figure out what our mind and our body needs, but a lot of those are just guesses. Sadhguru discusses something simple we can do each day to make...

October 7th, 2022

Sadhguru On Loneliness

Overcoming loneliness is all about finding peace and wholeness within yourself. Once you're able to do that, it doesn't matter if you are surrounded by people or completely alone, you'll always feel content. When we have overcome that need to be liked and surrounded by people, we can experience...

October 5th, 2022

Weekly Workout Routine with Dr. Peter Attia To Max Out Your Longevity

How do we live longer? How do we age well? How do we make the time we're alive more enjoyable? Dr. Peter Attia has dedicated his life to discovering the answers to these and other questions. He is very data-driven, and over the course of years, he's changed his approaches to exercise and...

October 3rd, 2022

Resetting Your Behavior with Dr. Anna Lembke

Our world is more advanced than ever before in human history. We take safety, comfort, nutrition, and modern medicine for granted because we have everything we could ever need or want right at our fingertips. And yet, suicide, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are at an all-time...

September 30th, 2022

Dr. Mark Hyman's Healthy Morning Routine

Dr. Mark Hyman goes over what he likes his morning routine to be. It's something he looks forward to every morning and it has made him feel and look much healthier, even to the point where people are commenting on it. To start his day, he'll wake up and meditate for 20 minutes. After that, he...

September 28th, 2022

Andrew Huberman on How To Develop and Maintain Habits with Simple Mental Exercises

Habits are a big part of who we are. It's estimated that up to 70% of our waking behavior is made up of habitual behavior. Habits are learned in the brain and are characterized by changes in the connections between neurons. There are a lot of ideas on how long it takes for a habit to develop....

September 26th, 2022

How Fasting Can Fight Aging with David Sinclair

When our body is well fed, it relaxes. Naturally, we want to shy away from danger, stress, pain, and especially from hunger, but this puts us in a constant state of relaxation, and our body isn't doing what it needs to in order to keep everything functioning at its peak. David tells Joe about how...

September 23rd, 2022

How To Measure Exercise for Longevity and Overall Health

In this article we’re discussing a conversation between Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia about exercising for longevity and health. Strength and muscle mass are a strong indicator of one’s health and longevity. Dr. Attia and his team have developed specific tests to determine factors and...

September 21st, 2022

5 Proven Tips for Aging in Reverse

Is it possible to age in reverse? This is a question that has been discussed for as long as the human race has been around. Well, some people believe that it may absolutely be possible! And, it isn't as complicated as you might first think. The truth is that we are who we are, and there's no need...

September 19th, 2022

Improve your Mental Health with These 5 Simple Tips

To be healthy means we are whole, to be complete, to have a sense of wholeness within ourselves. For this to happen, we need to have vibrance and joy in our bodies, our energy, and our minds. We have different allotments of energy for different areas of our life, including mental, physical, and...

September 15th, 2022

A guide to living a longer, healthier life in the ‘Blue Zones’

First off, the obvious question: What are "blue zones"? This term came from a national geographic project to reverse engineer longevity. Only twenty percent of our longevity is determined by our genes. The other eighty percent is something else. The longest-living peoples in the world were found...

September 14th, 2022

Cure IBS without drugs in 5 simple steps

Over 60 million Americans have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (that’s 20% of the population)! To better understand what IBS is and how to treat it, Dr. Mark Hyman takes us through the basics of its causes. First, it’s important to understand that our gut contains a microbiome that contains trillions of...

September 12th, 2022

Why Can't We Stop Eating Terrible Food? TEDMED

When we wake up in the morning, oftentimes, we reach for our phones; an endless, all-you-can-eat buffet of information and entertainment. As soon as we're done with work, we can swing by a club, a bar, or a liquor store and immediately get a little something to celebrate with. As soon as we get...

September 7th, 2022