What Mark Sisson Eats In A Day

Date: October 26th, 2022
Author: Billie Bradshaw

In this video, Mark Sisson covers what he eats on a given day. He starts the day with a cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle, mostly for the ritual of it. Due to Metabolic Flexibility, he doesn't need to eat anything right when he wakes up. He can even go past breakfast and wait until 12:30 or 1:00 to eat.

For lunch, he goes with a salad with greens, salmon, and a good, healthy dressing for flavor and healthy fats. This meal fuels him up for the rest of the day until dinner time, which he usually will eat around 7:00 or 8:00 at night.

Without any need to snack throughout the day, he doesn't eat until dinner time. He'll eat a ribeye steak and some veggies like asparagus. He'll also have a glass of low-alcohol, low-tannins, no-sugar wine (or two) with his dinner. Watch the video to see more!

hey i'm mark sisson and i'm going to tell you what i eat in a day cool so i start my day with a cup of coffee and i love a french press i try to make it as uh as thick as i possibly can and they're rich so i put probably more than you'd normally uh prescribe for one cup but that's how i like it because of metabolic flexibility i wake up full of energy i don't feel the need to eat i'm not hungry um i don't choose to eat usually until about 12 30 1 o'clock 1 30 sometimes so i just start the day with a cup of coffee and you know it's it i think it's more habit than anything now i'm not like jonesing for a cup of coffee or jonesy for caffeine i just like the taste and the ritual and then i do add cream i've got some uh raw cream here and not not shy about adding some cream to it and then i put a tiny bit of monk fruit sweetener in because i like that effect too and i guess the main uh the main part of this for me part of the ritual is i do a crossword puzzle every morning so i have to have my coffee and do the crossword at the same time oh yeah right so my first meal of the day is typically what most people would call lunch it's breaking the fast uh and and usually around 12 30 1 o'clock maybe 1 30 and it consists of uh protein and some form of a vegetable usually and then today i've chosen to have salmon this is a pretty typical lunch for me with some greens it's not a big salad it's not what i used to call a big-ass salad by any means it's mostly about the protein these days i'm going to dress it with some primal kitchen lemon turmeric dressing which is my favorite if i have to admit to having a favorite within the line and again this will just this is just enough to uh to fill me up uh satisfy me get me fueled up and enough protein to get me through the rest of the day until dinner time uh and uh so i probably won't eat again until 7 30 maybe 7 7 30 maybe 8 o'clock at night so two meals a day for me and and that's it [Music] all right after lunch i don't snack in the afternoon i don't feel compelled to uh i think there's probably uh a reason not to snack unless you're hungry and i'm really not that hungry so for dinner i might have a ribeye steak usually some form of beef or pork or lamb rarely chicken anymore and a little bit of vegetables in this case some some asparagus and maybe some avocado so i'll just transfer this is about a an average size steak that i would consume for dinner and i'm going to guess that the total calories here is probably 900 on this plate and if you add that to the salmon and the salad i had for lunch which is probably about it to be generous 600. you know we're at under 2 000 calories for the day and yet if you look at the amount of protein that i've consumed it's a significant amount it's uh you know well in excess of 100 grams of protein some healthy fats in the form of avocado in the form of avocado oil in the form of some of the saturated fat in the in the grass-fed uh ribeye steak and and not a lot of carbs carbs are largely in the form of leafy greens or in this case the asparagus so i just i don't feel compelled to eat a lot of carbs i would have a glass of wine or two with with this meat evening meal and that would most likely be a dry farm wine selection which means it's got no sugar lower in alcohol lower antennas and things like that i think the point is and i'm going to really talk about this in depth in a discussion i have with brad later on about this notion of metabolic flexibility and how efficient the body really can be in terms of using calories the right way and using the macronutrients the right way for instance so much of the protein we consume should not be combusted as fuel should be used in fact to repair tissue and to make and to create enzymes so um the and and then you know the the body's ability when you're metabolically flexible to generate ketones to fuel the brain so the need for carbohydrates goes away or dissipates certainly and the efficiency with which you're able to utilize the food that you do eat as long as it is good quality food you become more efficient at that and and at the end of the day the biggest issue as i always say is hunger and if hunger is not an issue for you if you've developed metabolic flexibility and hunger no longer runs your life and you're able to identify what is true hunger and what are cravings and and sort of uh you know learned behaviors or comfort behaviors uh you can really settle into a very uh tasty uh and effective way of feeling yourself literally with every meal of every day and making sure that every bite tastes awesome as i do